Yeovil as a Technology Hub?

Released On 25th Apr 2016

8th April saw the Yeovil Chamber Innovation Showcase at Yeovil Innovation Centre.  Over thirty delegates were in attendance, including senior officials from SSDC, and the Town Council.  The event was also notably attended by several other VIPs: Jonathan Smith of the China Business Delegation, John Rees, Business Development Director from the Office of the Agent General South Australia; Tony O’Grady of the Master Plan Corporation looking to partner with hi-tech UK businesses; and Robin Kennedy of Knowledge Transfer Network.  Chamber President David Woan gave a potted history of the innovative history attached to Yeovil.  Chamber members IEP, along with Invirt Reality and IVC Technologies described their cutting-edge, innovative work that is attracting other Hi-Tech businesses and employment opportunity into the Yeovil area. 

Pictured at the event (l to r) are: David Woan (President Yeovil Chamber), Ray Harding (IVC Technologies), Ed Nicholson (Intelligent Enterprise Products), Chris Jones (Invert Reality), and Robin Kennedy (Knowledge Transfer Network).  Could this be the beginnings of a regional Technology Hub?  Photo Credit: Len Copland (Western Gazette).