Stakeholder Relationships & Activities

Yeovil Chamber is widely regarded as the go-to organisation for all things business across Yeovil and its area of influence, which extends outwards across South Somerset and North Dorset. A key factor in maintaining this position and delivering a commitment to the business sector is the relationships and dialogue we maintain with senior figures and key stakeholders in the wider economy. These relationships deliver the insight and support aspects of the Chamber proposition, encouraging and promoting a joined-up approach to the Yeovil economy.

Information and insight gained from these relationships are at the heart of our business support function and are distributed via our regular networking and briefing events, social media channels, regular bulletins, press releases and communications to our members. This is the 'big voice' of the Yeovil Chamber, allowing the business sector to influence local and regional decision-making to attract new business, employment and economic opportunity. Stakeholder relationships also allow our members to access support for day-to-day business challenges, such as transport, broadband and business rates.

The Yeovil Chamber ethos is to be constantly improving and developing, and the list of stakeholders is growing as our economy develops.

If you would like to know more about Chamber-Stakeholder relationships, or you have an issue which requires assistance and support, please email

Yeovil College

Yeovil College & Yeovil Chamber

Patron member of Yeovil Chamber since 2016. Regular meetings with the College governors and management team, as well as their place on the Chamber Executive, promote training, apprenticeships, and academic courses, and ultimately assist with business sector engagement, influencing and aligning the curriculum to match short and longer-term employment requirements. At every opportunity, the Chamber encourages businesses and employers to engage with Yeovil College. This relationship has been key to Yeovil College becoming a vital part of the business community.


Love Yeovil

Currently comprising retailers and officers from the Town Council and District Council Economic Development team. Mainly retail and town centre focused. Devising, promoting and delivering events; giving people reasons to visit and experience Yeovil.  Love Yeovil is recognised by Somerset Council, as a key influencer and delivery agent for their ongoing economic regeneration projects.


Member of Parliament

Yeovil Chamber is a politically neutral organisation and traditionally enjoys a good working relationship with our representative at Westminster. Regular communication between the Chamber and the Yeovil MP, allows the Yeovil Chamber to feed business issues into your representative at Westminster, which allows local issues to be raised with central Government.


Somerset Council

Yeovil Chamber is regarded by SC as a key stakeholder in their economic delivery strategy.  SC is represented on the Chamber Executive without any political bias.  Regular meetings between Chamber Executive members and senior SC officers, allow the business sector to keep abreast of planning and infrastructure and feed the concerns and ideas of the business sector into SC.  Yeovil Chamber chairs the Refresh Stakeholder Group, which influences the delivery of economic regeneration and infrastructure projects.

Somerset Chamber of Commerce

Yeovil Chamber is one of two Somerset town Chambers represented on the Board at Somerset Chamber.  Regular two-way dialogue with the SCOC team feeds local insight to colour the regional business picture. As well as delivering the regional business picture to Yeovil, our affiliation with SCOC affords a direct line through to the British Chamber of Commerce, which is a key influencer at Westminster.  Annual Business to Business dinners and other key events in Yeovil, hosted by SCOC, demonstrate SCOC's commitment to Yeovil as a key Somerset business hub and allows wider networking opportunities with regional business people.


Leonardo Helicopters

A Patron member of Yeovil Chamber since 2020.  Yeovil's largest employer and a flagship for the town. The long-standing Chamber relationship with Leonardo covers a wide range of activities, such as internal training, community projects, apprenticeship and graduate activities, supply chain opportunities, and their engagement with the wider business community and our other stakeholders. Leonardo is currently represented on the Yeovil Chamber Executive team by their Community & Communication manager.

Yeovil District NHS Hospital

The health sector is a major employer in and across Yeovil.  Our relationship with senior management at YDH is focused on maintaining a good perception of the town to their employees, many of whom are from outside the UK and joining up with other stakeholders.  Quarterly meetings with senior management figures allow the Chamber an insight into the operation of the Hospital and its development plans.


Avon & Somerset Police


Yeovil Chamber enjoys a pro-active relationship with all levels of policing, from officers on the beat, and the Chief Inspector, right through to the Police & Crime Commissioner. Yeovil Chamber also sits on the police-led multi-agency Yeovil Night-Time Economy Steering Group, which creates dialogue with agencies such as Licencing, A&E, Fire & Rescue, Crime Reduction Team, Pubwatch and Rough Sleeping.  The main aim is communication and to keep reporting channels operating as optimally as possible, to encourage members to report ASB and crime.  This relationship is key to keeping Yeovil a low-crime town, and a safe place to do business.  Call 101 to report ASB & criminal activity.


Quedam Shopping Centre


A key player in the town centre since 1986, and part of the Duneane Asset Management, which owns retail centres across the UK. Regular contact and communication with Quedam management and the owners of the business provide the Chamber with local and strategic UK retail insight. Quedam is a good measure of the retail health of Yeovil town centre.  Chamber also works with the Quedam team on the SSDC stakeholder group and Quedam is a pro-active participant and venue provider for the delivery of Love Yeovil initiatives and events.



Yeovil Innovation Centre

Operated by South Somerset District Council, and home to a range of new and innovative SMEs, as well as a meeting place with conference facilities.  Regular dialogue between the Chamber and YIC management allows the Chamber to promote YIC to the wider region.  Dialogue with resident businesses allows the Chamber greater depth of insight which fosters supply chain and networking opportunities for the resident businesses.