The President's View - June

Released On 7th Jun 2016

Of late, several members have been in touch with me to say that they have not been receiving emails or communications from Yeovil Chamber.  On investigation, the issue appears to have arisen due to an error arising from an out-of-date email distribution list, and this error will be rectified as soon as possible.

To any members who have received poor communication or any other issues, such as incorrect invoicing for membership renewal or event bookings, I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.  If you have been affected by this, or are unhappy with any aspect of Yeovil Chamber, please call me on 07900-491211, or email

Our secretary Gina Farnborough was recently admitted to the BRI, requiring extended surgery for an ongoing health issue. Gina is a familiar figure at our events and, despite her constant denials to the contrary, is the glue that holds the fabric of Yeovil Chamber together.  Gina hopes to be back in the saddle as soon as she can, and I am sure you will join myself and the Executive Team in wishing Gina a speedy recovery!

As an effective body which aims to support all businesses, Chamber is on the ground locally, run by and consisting of member businesses, who offer a large diverse range of discounted services and products for other members.  Chamber membership starts at £53 per year.  And crucially; the Chamber range of discounted services are offered by local businesses, which helps to oil the local economy.

Thank you for reading this edition of our - please forward it on to a colleague.  If you have any issues you would like Chamber to know about, or take up on your behalf, please email or call me.  Criticism is an opportunity to improve what we do.