The President's View - October

Released On 5th Nov 2015

B2B Dinner @ LanesOn 8th October, we linked up with Somerset Chamber at Lanes Hotel for the annual Business-to-Business Dinner, sponsored by Kontrolit.

Check-out the gallery section for pictures for the B2B dinner event here.

Representatives of nearly fifty local and regional businesses attended; conversation flowed all evening and the noise in the room at some points was nearly deafening.  I managed to squeeze a few words in to update the members on the progress Yeovil Chamber has made towards becoming the one-stop-shop for all things business in the Yeovil area. Networking opportunities maxed out via the seating rotation between courses and the host member on each table.

For more of the same, see details below of our Slightly Unususual December party, which will be radically different from any previous December Chamber events!

On 23rd October, I was honoured to attend the Yeovil College Graduation ceremony.  The Octagon theatre was packed with the candidates, and their proud parents, friends and relatives.  As well as receiving their awards, the graduates heard inspiring addresses from chiefs of industry and past alumni of the College.  Yeovil Chamber is in partnership with Yeovil College to enhance the education and employment opportunities for our students.  If you would like the opportunity to influence the student courses to suit your requirements and that of the local jobs market, or if you would like to pass on your life skills to students as a mentor, please contact Chamber.

Whilst Yeovil Chamber is driven by a desire to promote the business community and provide real business support,  we play as hard as we work.  Any lingering thoughts that Yeovil Chamber is dull, are about to magically disappear.  Those who have attended our events so far during 2015 will know about, and indeed are creating, the buzz about Chamber. 

Christmas DinnerTo mark the end of the year, our Slightly Unusual themed Christmas Dinner Party on 9th December is sure to become a landmark event. 

Click here to book your place NOW for a festive fix-&-mix of fun, dinner, networking, comedy & magic - even bring your spouse/partner. 

“The only stuffiness will be in the turkey!

If you have any issues you would like Chamber to know about, or take up on your behalf, please email or call me.