The President's View - November

Released On 11th Mar 2016

On 12th November Chamber Exceutive officer Kevin Jutson and myself met with Yeovil College Curriculum Director Steve Battersby to put the finishing touches to another high profile event.  Mid-January will see the launch of the Employer Ambassador Scheme, which direct bsusiness people and employers into Yeovil College to influence the curriculum to suit the local jobs market, and to offer mentoring services to the students with much-needed life skills.  The misplaced ideals of the Tony Blair government that acedemic qualification is all, have been exposed by an ever-widening skills gap between education and industry, which must be closed off.  A balance between academic and vocational qualification is now required, and Employer Ambassadors will facilitate this.

Any lingering thoughts that Yeovil Chamber is somehow. . .dull, are about to magically evaporate in a puff of magic.  Those who have attended our events so far during 2015 will know about, and indeed are creating, the buzz about Chamber.  To mark the end of the year, our Comedy & Magic-themed Christmas Dinner Party on 9th December, sponsored by PORTER DODSON SOLICITORS & ADVISORS, is sure to become a landmark event.  Tell your non-member colleagues; bring your spouse or partner; make a date for your office party.  Tickets are selling steadily, so click on the image above to book for your festive fix of networking, dinner, comedy & magic, and avoid disappointment.  We want this to be a sell-out success!!  As the flyer states: “The only stuffiness will be in the turkey!

If you have any issues you would like Chamber to know about, or take up on your behalf, please email or call me.