The President's View - December

Released On 11th Mar 2016

Any lingering thoughts that Yeovil Chamber is somehow. . .dull, are now consigned to the history books, following the runaway success of our 9th December Christmas Dinner event (full report below).  Whilst the aims and objectives of Chamber are to deliver professional support for the business community, those who attended this and any of the other sixteen networking events during 2015 will know about, and indeed are creating, the buzz about Chamber – and know that we don’t take ourselves too seriously!

As I reflect on 2015, I hope you’ll agree that Chamber has well and truly delivered, and the membership fee represents good value for your money.  Increased networking opportunities; new and stronger partnerships with stakeholders; a rebrand; two business awards; fully restored member support and engagement - and to round off our 2015 networking calendar, the sell-out Christmas Party that is sure to become a regular landmark fixture of fun on the Yeovil networking calendar.

As word spread around that Chamber is delivering, sponsorship enquiries started to arrive.  Sponsorship allows our members to broadcast their activities and services to prospective customers among our 130-strong membership, and provides Chamber with resource to increase the quality of our networking events and improve our support and outreach, which make us the one-stop shop for all things business in the Yeovil area.

If you are interested in sponsoring Yeovil Chamber please call me, or email:

For 2016, my main goals will be provide reasons for more of our larger employers to take up Chamber membership, and continue with the campaign to attract Yeovil town centre traders.  Chamber will also continue working with Yeovil College, bringing industry and education closer together for the benefit of our employer members, and the wider local economy.  I am also mindful of the challenges and opportunities presented by the Hinkley Point C Supply Chain.  Whilst I recognise that the core of our members are from the SME and professional/service sector, I intend to develop our services to support member businesses of all sizes and across all industry sectors in order to maintain prosperity for all in this vibrant corner of South Somerset.

Finally; I would like to thank the Chamber Executive Team for all their tireless work and energy behind the scenes throughout 2015, and every one of our members for their continued support.  I hope that everyone was able to face their challenges through 2015, and I wish you a prosperous 2016.

If you have any issues you would like Chamber to know about, or take up on your behalf, please email or call me.