Street Trading Policy Consultation

Released On 1st Feb 2017

Chamber wrote to all members on 20th January asking members to engage in the consultation regarding changes to the SSDC street trading policy which have the potential to impact on members and the good relationship Chamber currently enjoys with SSDC Area South. Several members responded and have engaged in the consultation, and Chamber is awaiting clarification of the changes from SSDC licencing manager Nigel Marston. SSDC

One member claims the new rules will enforce an additional annual levy to permit delivery of food & drink by motor vehicle to customers located away from shops. Another member related how the interpretation of the regulations may allow SSDC to charge third parties for trading on private land with public access (e.g. supermarket car parks). Subject to clarification from SSDC Licencing Team, Chamber believes the changes may create additional financial requirements which impact on certain sectors and their business plans.

Chamber President David Woan said: “I am aware of at least one Chamber member business which has allegedly suffered under this system; their projects and plans designed to bring much-needed footfall into town have collapsed because of the rules and cases where commercial users of their property would have to pay SSDC more for fees than they are paying the resident business. That business will also be making it’s views known as part of the consultation. SSDC Area South is investing time and money in Yeovil town centre, and working with their key stakeholders such as Chamber to build confidence and foster the right conditions for town centre businesses to flourish. It would be a shame if the current regeneration work being undertaken in the town centre, and investment by SSDC Areas South, is undermined by these proposed changes to the Street Trading Regulations.