Road Works Update

Released On 7th Jun 2016

On 9th May Somerset County Council Highways (SCCH) officials Richard Needs (Major Schemes Project Manager), and Mike O’Dowd-Jones (Strategic Commissioning Manager) briefed Yeovil Chamber Executive on the recent spate of disruptive road closures, and upcoming major projects.  This is the first of what will be half-yearly briefings, aimed at allowing the Yeovil business community access to the road works consultation process.  Chamber President David Woan told the meeting that a major factor in the poor delivery of the Horsey works was a communication breakdown regarding the extent of the road closures which gave local agencies, such as Chamber and SSDC zero consultation opportunity.  SCCH gave an assurance that Chamber along with other agencies and stakeholders would be adequately consulted in future, and every effort would be made to avoid a repeat.  SCCH commented that the Hospital roundabout works had completed eight weeks early.  SCCH answered all the pre-loaded questions, as well as many points raised by Executive members at the two-hour meeting.  To ensure future delivery of the consultation process, Chamber Executive members Lin Cousins and Chris Palucsis will liaise with SCCH.