President's Heartbeat - w/c 1st September

Released On 4th Sep 2017

On 31st August I was guest of Abbey 104FM Radio presenter Jenny Devitt, and joined by Andrew Maddock, President of Sherborne Chamber, and Alistair Chisholm, Dorchester Town Councillor. On air, we discussed ideas, action and how the face of the UK high street is changing. We were all agreed on what is required to support our respective high streets. New-model
'destination' towns are evolving; harnessing creative and collaborative thinking between local authority and landlords/lease-holders. In Yeovil, the District Council work in partnership with the business sector, to devise and deliver events and attractions. Alistair Chisholm's town of Dorchester is a superb example of a destination town in action; a thriving, diverse town centre, with modern and traditional zones, easily linked together and with space and facilities for people to gather and socialise. The 21st century high street is a place where people meet and socialise, with retail as an enhancement to the overall experience. A new generation of retailers are evolving who are nimble on their feet, using SM and technology to drive their high street presence, offering a proposition as an attractive alternative to the internet. But they, and the town centre require support.

Seed investment from the local authority, shorter-term introductory leases, flexibility with business rates and low-cost central parking; are achievable, and send positive signals to prospective retail tenants and visitors, which ultimately leads to external investment, prosperity for all, and plenty of reasons to visit Yeovil.