Released On 11th Dec 2017

President’s Heartbeat - w/c 11th December 2017

2017 has seen further evolution of the outreach and influence of Yeovil Chamber.  Stakeholders and agencies now recognise Yeovil Chamber as a key player.  We are mindful as we grow with Yeovil to stay focused on our core principals of networking and insight, ensuring our members, from SMEs, to the Town Centre, and from the Professionals, to our larger employers; all receive value for their money; to have their say and take the opportunities created by the unfolding success story that Yeovil is becoming.  Behind the scenes, the Yeovil Chamber Executive Team put in an enormous amount of voluntary work.  They all bring their considerable mix of specialist skillsets and vast experience to bear for the benefit of the Yeovil business community; bringing opportunity and prosperity.  As business people we know the cost of providing services is always increasing, and Yeovil Chamber feels the effect of inflation just like everyone else.  Chamber has not increased its fees since 2010, and we want to continue delivering value for all our members.  With effect from January 2018, we will be increasing our membership fees.  A member survey will shortly be issued to all members, and you will be contacted directly to ascertain your views and explain the rationale behind the change.  If you have any questions, please contact me directly at or 07900-491211.