President Heart Beat - w/c 14th August

Released On 15th Aug 2017

President Heart BeatJust because roadworks are happening, it doesn’t mean that no one is doing anything about minimising the impact.  Our good working relationship with Somerset County Council Highways (SCCH) and communications with affected businesses once again paid off.  Not only did Chamber persuade SCCH to move the start date of the A30 drainage works away from the busy 2016 Christmas run-up period to late July 2017; our lobby also resulted in the job time reduce from a month down to less than a week, by the use of 24/7 work practices.  My thanks go out to the local SCCH team for listening to affected businesses, and adopting a pragmatic approach; minimising what would have been another round of angst-inducing roadworks at the Sherborne end of town.  However; this didn’t stop some complaining about the noise of the works as they continued throughout the night…you can’t please all the people!