New Rail Travel Opportunities for Yeovil (part 2)

Released On 11th Mar 2016

On 13th December and for the first time in nearly fifty years, rail services between Junction and Pen Mill stations have resumed.  In addition, South West Trains have introduced 72,000 additional seats on extra train services going through both Yeovil stations. 

Chamber President David Woan took the opportunity of boarding a special train on 11th December, to tour part of the new route, discuss developments and strengthen the relationship between Chamber and SWT. David said: “The opportunities opened up by these new rail services cannot be overstated. In addition to the £80M invested since 2007, SWT will be investing a further £20M between now and the February 2017 franchise renewal date. 

There is little reason to offer the franchise to another operator when the incumbent operator is clearly investing in the future.  I have offered my support to senior SWT officials for their bid to retain the operating franchise, as well as discussing these exciting rail developments with Marcus Fysh MP and Ric Pallister of SSDC.”