MP Question Time

Released On 11th Feb 2017

10th February 2017: Chamber held another of the popular twice yearly working lunches with Yeovil MP Marcus Fysh at Yeovil Golf Club.  Over twenty members and guests took the opportunity to enjoy a carvery lunch, followed by a round-table forum, to hear Marcus update them on a range of topical issues, and to discuss these issues with Marcus.  Marcus was not briefed in advance over the questions, and as always, politics remained off limits.  Topics receiving an airing for discussion were; roadworks, business rates, Brexit, and the long-term prospects for Leonardo Helicopters.  The subject generating most input was unsurprisingly, the ongoing road improvments taking place in Yeovil, which Marcus explained are unpleasant, but required, and taking place in line with the growth of Yeovil, allowing the town to function properly as it grows.

Chamber is a politically neutral organisation, and continues to enjoy a good working relationship with our representative at Westminster. These working lunch events allow members to receive wider insight and to directly lobby our MP over relevant business-related issues.  Chamber officers meet regularly Marcus, as well as other senior stakeholders in the Yeovil business community.  If you are a member with any issues which affect your ability to do business, please email, and Chamber will take them up on your behalf.