Business Rates

Released On 2nd Sep 2015

Yeovil Business Rates - Quedam

For our high street to flourish and to develop an offering that gives retailers the best chance of competing against the internet, Westminster must act now, and quickly over business rates.  Chamber is now the rallying point for the growing voice of discontent.  The Western Gazette ran a large piece in the 20th August edition.  Marcus Fysh MP is lobbying Ministers in the House for rapid action, and will hear what Chamber members have to say at our MP Question Time event on 4th September. 

The current system of business rates is generally agreed to be not fit for purpose, and creates conditions which see empty units and the proliferation of charity shops.  The disparity between low business rates on the edge of town, and the much higher rates in the town centre need to be equalised.  Barriers as to who can trade need to be lifted, and there needs to be an incentive for independents traders to come into town and fill the empty shops.