Yeovil Innovation Centre - Digital Leadership for SMEs Application

Yeovil Innovation Centre - Digital Leadership for SMEs Application

Released On 15th Jan 2024

The Digital Leadership Support for SMEs programme is 100% funded by the Heart of Southwest Local Enterprise Partnership Local Growth Fund Deal. The LEP Digital Skills series is a £1.5 million, local growth funded project delivering three distinct skills initiatives

  • Digital Leadership for SMEs
  • Digital Training for Core Sectors
  • Raising Digital Engagement at KS3

A total of £300,000 has been allocated from the £1.5 million budget to provide 150 training places for business leaders across the Heart of the Southwest under the Digital Leadership for SMEs initiative. The Digital Leadership for SMEs training programme aims is to support business leaders, to deliver their organisations holistic digital transformation.

The programme will provide leadership training to leaders of eligible organisations.

To be eligible to receive support through this programme your organisation:

  • Must be located and operate its business activities within the Heart of the Southwest Local Enterprise Partnership area of Devon, Plymouth Somerset or Torbay.
  • Employ fewer than 250 employees
  • Have received less than £325,000 in subsidy in the last three years.
  • Conduct their business in one of the following sectors:
  • Manufacturing
  • Health and Adult Social Care
  • Clean Growth

* *The clean growth sector refers to the collection of industries, technologies and practices that contribute to sustainable and low-carbon economic growth. It encompasses a wide range of sectors and activities that focus on reducing greenhouse emissions, improving resource efficiency and promoting the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable economy.

A total of 150 training places are available across the whole programme. Minimum training duration is 12 hours, training will not exceed a total of 32 hours.

Prior to training being delivered all organisations will need to complete a Digital Maturity Assessment via the Devon County Council Digital Maturity Index Tool. A link to register to use the tool will be sent, once your application has been approved.

About the Local Growth Fund

On 4 August 2020, the government confirmed the list of over 300 successful projects which will receive a share of £900 million from the Local Growth Fund. The full list of projects is available on GOV.UK

The Local Growth Fund is investing in shovel-ready infrastructure projects to create jobs and support economic recovery across the country. Projects funded include:

• regeneration of town and city centres

• green infrastructure and clean energy

• transport and digital connectivity improvements

• unlocking of housing and business sites

• support for SMEs and learners

Course dates are as follows:

Session 1 - 31st January 2024 - 9.30am - 1.30pm - Location: Yeovil Innovation Centre

Session 2 - 7th February 2024 - 9.30am - 1.30pm - Location: Online

Session 3 - 14th February 2024 - 9.30am - 1.30pm - Location: Yeovil Innovation Centre

Book here