22k tonnes of oil released in UK waters by industry

22k tonnes of oil released in UK waters by industry

Released On 20th Apr 2023

22k tonnes of oil released in UK waters by industry

More than 22,000 tonnes of oil have been released into UK waters by the oil and gas sector in the last five years.

According to a new research released earlier today by the environmental advocacy groups Uplift and Oceana, these spills are roughly equal to 165,000 barrels of oil.

More than half of this oil was sanctioned by the government, according to data gathered by the research teams.

The “In Deep Water” research emphasises the risks associated with regular oil spills as well as the harm done by poisonous substances, microplastics, and noise pollution.

According to the analysis, at least 16 UK Marine Protected Areas might suffer significant damage from a significant oil spill from the proposed Cambo and Rosebank oil fields.

New exploration permits or production approvals for offshore oil and gas ventures must come to an end, according to Oceana and Uplift.

Executive Director and Vice President of Oceana in the UK, Hugo Tagholm, announced, “From oil spills to toxic chemicals, we can now see as clear as day the devastating path of destruction caused to our marine environment.”

The Executive Director and Founder of Uplift, Tessa Khan,said, “Last month, around 200 barrels of oily water leaked into the sea at Poole Harbour, sparking a major incident. Uplift’s new data finds that the amount spilled over the last five years is the equivalent of an unbelievable 164,780 barrels of oil.

“People are appalled with how companies are treating our natural world. The government must step up & urgently protect our greatest natural asset when it comes to tackling the climate crisis; our ocean.”

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