Thursday 17 March is national Social Care Day of Remembrance and Reflection

Thursday 17 March is national Social Care Day of Remembrance and Reflection

Released On 14th Mar 2022

Thursday 17 March 2022 is national Social Care Day of Remembrance and Reflection, a special Memorial Day for Adult Social Care dedicated to those who have worked so hard to care for our communities. This year is particularly important, given the enormous sacrifices so many of our carers have made throughout the pandemic.

As part of this day, we’d like to encourage local communities and businesses to get involved in thanking local carers and care homes.

They could do this by:

  • Sharing a tribute on social media to care staff who have worked so hard through the pandemic using the hashtag #ThankYouSocialCare22
  • Creating a local artwork or tribute
  • Planting bulbs or a tree in a communal area (with relevant permission) in honour of social care
  • Donating items to carers or care homes, such as flowers, bulbs, coffees, cakes, a skilled person’s time, or anything else you can think of!
  • Putting a ‘Thank you Carers’ or similar sign in their business window or home
  • Sending staff, a personalised letter to thank them for their work.

We would love to host any tributes and activities, so please email any messages and photos to, and we will add these to a special memorial webpage we are creating.

For more information, including social media/newsletter content suggestions and links to memorial/thank you walls where you can add messages, please visit:

Social Care Day of Remembrance and Reflection - The Care Workers Charity

How can I get involved on Social Care Day of Remembrance and Reflection? - The Care Workers Charity

Social-Media-Content.pdf (

Newsletter-Content.pdf (