The Growth Hub Business Support

The Growth Hub Business Support

Released On 4th Jul 2023

Digital Leadership for SMEs is part of the £1.5 million Digital Skills Series programme which will deliver skills support across Devon, Plymouth, Somerset and Torbay. The programme is 100% funded through the Heart of the Southwest Local Enterprise Partnership (HotSW) Local Growth Deal.

What’s on offer, Digital Leadership for SMEs ?

The programme will work with 150 leaders of small medium enterprises working within the following sectors:-

  • Health and Adult Social Care
  • Manufacturing
  • Clean Growth*

*The clean growth sector refers to the collection of industries, technologies and practices that contribute to sustainable and low-carbon economic growth. It encompasses a wide range of sectors and activities that focus on reducing greenhouse emissions, improving resource efficiency and promoting the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable economy.

A digital maturity assessment will need to be completed prior to training, The aim of the assessment is to identify your organisations digital strengths and weaknesses. The assessment is free of charge…. don’t worry a digital consultant will be on hand to guide you through completing the assessment.

Training Options

Between 9 and 30 hours of tutor led training will be provided, with 1:1 feedback and support hours available. Based upon needs, two training options are available.

Option 1 Driving Digital Transformation, designed to support medium enterprises who employ between 10 and 249 employees. This option will provide 5, 6 hour training modules and 2 hours 1:1 feedback and mentoring.

Learning Modules:

  • Digital Vision & Strategy
  • Digital Technology
  • Digital Operations
  • Digital Skills & People
  • Digital Projects


Option 2 Driving Digital Business, is a less intensive programme, designed to support micro and small businesses with less than 10 employees, this shorter training programme offers 3, 3 hour training sessions and 3 hrs of 1:1 feedback and mentoring.

Learning Modules

  • Digital Vision & Strategy
  • Growing your business through Technology
  • Improving your productivity through digital technology

Apply for your training place today Digital Leadership for SMEs Application

Update 8 June 2023 – Please be advised that digital leadership places are restricted to one training place per SME organisation.

Upon receipt of your application we aim to get back to you within 3 working days.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us email:

Find out more here