Start your sustainability journey in 2022

Start your sustainability journey in 2022

Released On 10th Jan 2022

What better time to start a new initiative than in a new year!?! 2021 was full of "build back better" messages with both people and businesses rethinking the way in which they should do things. Now that we are refreshed from our December breaks let's turn those thoughts into actions for 2022! 

This is easy to write and say but where should you actually start? 

At Albert Goodman we can provide two different options to get you started on your journey. One option is to focus purely on carbon and the second is to think about sustainability on a wider basis and get this embedded throughout your business. 


If your main driver is to focus on your carbon impact on the environment then a good starting point would be to measure your current carbon footprint based on how your business is operating at present. We recommend using the methodology set out within the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Regulations as a starting point as this focusses mainly on scope 1 & 2 emission which are those within your control. Once you have this data you can then analyse it to understand which areas of your business are most carbon heavy and then set about planning how you may be able to reduce this over time. 


If however you would like to take a more all-encompassing approach to sustainability then a first action point could be to complete an Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) health check. 

We have an available ESG health check which comprises, approximately 35 strategic level questions and is aligned to the UN sustainable development goals as well as other sustainable practice regulations. Once the health check is complete you will be provided with a score demonstrating how sustainable you are at present. You will also be given some suggested action points that can then be used to build a wider sustainability strategy

Are you ready?

If you are ready to start your sustainability journey, or would like to have a discussion to decide whether or not you are ready get in touch with your usual Albert Goodman contact or Sophie Parkhouse direct. 

Read the article here