South Somerset District Council awards community grant to help fund Bruton Jubilee playground projec

South Somerset District Council awards community grant to help fund Bruton Jubilee playground projec

Released On 17th Jan 2022

Jubilee Park, Bruton is set to receive £12,500 grant from South Somerset District Council. 

South Somerset District Council has always aimed to support communities, local voluntary groups and the wider community sector. One of the ways we do this with the SSDC Community Grants programme, supporting projects such as environmental initiatives, community transport, improving recreational facilities, community halls and many more schemes that enhance the lives of the local community.

On 12 January 2022, Councillors at Area East committee considered and approved an application from Bruton Town Council for a SSDC Community Grant of £12,500 towards replacing play equipment at Jubilee Park in Bruton. 

The committee heard that existing play equipment at Jubilee Park is restricted, due to some of it having to be removed after being deemed unsafe and not fit for purpose, so for some time now, the children who visit Jubilee Park have had their play limited. 

This will soon change now that they have been awarded the SSDC Community grant, which will go towards new, exciting replacement park equipment that will benefit the local community of approximately 2,907 residents*, as well as visitors from the wider district.

To ensure the proposed new play equipment suits the needs of the community, children from Bruton Primary School, Ladybirds pre-school and Community Kids were consulted, in addition to data being collected from a vote at the Community Fete. The results of both will mean the new play equipment will be designed to promote a range of development goals for the playground’s users, including encouraging imaginative and social play alongside developing balancing and climbing skills.

Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing Cllr Mike Best said “the SSDC community grants programme has supported many local projects over the years and invests in schemes that are developed by, and for, all our communities. We are delighted to help Bruton Town Council improve play facilities at Jubilee Park, especially as the local children and communities have been part of the process in deciding what equipment they want. Can I also take this opportunity to remind other potential applicants that our community fund is here to support a huge variety of community projects to enhance where we live, so please do apply.”

Does your community have a project to enhance where you live?

We encourage you to apply for a SSDC Community Grant, which can cover up to 50% of the project costs and you will need support from your Parish Council. Applications in the range of £100 to £1,000 will be reviewed by SSDC and your Ward Member. Any applications for more than £1,000 are decided by your SSDC Area Committee with a maximum grant of £12,500. Applications can be made at any time throughout the year, but revenue funding is limited so do apply in good time, especially if you have seasonal deadlines to meet.

Find out more here:

Awarding this grant will support one of SSDC’s Council Plan themes and areas of focus for 2021/22, to Enable cultural, leisure and sport activities. You can view the SSDC Council Plan here:

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