Somerset's BIGGEST EVER Quiz

Somerset's BIGGEST EVER Quiz

Released On 14th Apr 2023

With less than 40 days to go to Somerset Day, we want your help to create Somerset’s biggest ever quiz on Friday May 12th.

In conjunction with BBC Radio Somerset, a virtual and actual pub quiz will take place on Friday 12th May between 7pm and 9pm.

Anyone can join in and take part in the virtual quiz hosted live by BBC Radio Somerset, but the quiz isn’t going to be limited to BBC Radio Somerset – we want to encourage pubs, village halls, community centres, schools, care homes, in fact anywhere, to take part by hosting a quiz on the same night and at the same time and raise funds for local good causes.

Join us and organise a quiz on your premises or in a community centre or local pub etc - all you need to do is choose a venue and we will provide a pack with the rounds, questions and answers.

Click below to receive your free Get Involved pack and be entered in to our FREE PRIZE GIVEAWAY.

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