SmokeFreeLife Somerset presents – ‘Your personal nicotine monster’

SmokeFreeLife Somerset presents – ‘Your personal nicotine monster’

Released On 9th Jun 2022

Somerset County Council's stop smoking service, #SmokeFreeLife Somerset, has launched a new animation explainer which is proving popular on social media channels. 

The animation, which can be viewed at, has really resonated with smokers, non-smokers and ex-smokers alike, by giving a real insight to what it is like to crave a cigarette and fight the 'nicotine monster', practical advice on how to stop smoking and where to find support. 

Commenting on YouTube, Joff Bradford said: "Really like this video, you can tell it was made by someone who really understands what that nagging feeling of wanting a cigarette is like".

Another comment, from Gill Thomas, read: "This is a great video, I like the way a lot of the blame (so to speak) is on the nicotine and not the persons themselves. People don't realise (unless you smoke) just how addictive nicotine is. Well done." 

Launched in time for World No Tobacco Day, 31 May, it coincided with the launch of two other initiatives from the service – the first Mums2Be Smokefree Service’s ‘Let’s Kick It Together’ campaign, which supports mother’s to ‘kick the habit’ before during and after pregnancy – the second a new app, My Quit Route App , which supports people to map their stop-smoking journey, helps prepare and plan, gives advice and encouragement and supports people who want to quit nicotine every step of the way.

The initiatives are all part of a new drive to support people in Somerset who want to quit nicotine. Smokefreelife Somerset offers free advice from Stop Smoking Practitioners. They offer a twelve-week programme that helps support people with behaviour change and gives advice on stop smoking medications, including free nicotine replacement therapy, to ease nicotine withdrawal.

Evidence shows that by joining a local support service to help kick the habit, smokers are four times more likely to quit than using will power alone, which research has shown to be the least effective method.

Councillor Adam Dance, Executive Lead for Public Health at Somerset County Council said: “If you smoke and you want to stop our local support services are here, ready to help, with many new initiatives and trained quit coaches to support you through the process.

“Quit today – not only will it improve your health and the health of those around you, but it will save you money – in some cases as much as four thousand pounds a year.”

View the animation at:

For help to quit smoking contact :Smokefreelife Somerset

Phone: 01823 356222


Or visit: