Small Business Saturday - does your small business deserve its day in the spotlight?

Small Business Saturday - does your small business deserve its day in the spotlight?

Released On 28th Jun 2023

Applications are now open!

Small Business Saturday is once again highlighting 100 small businesses, one a day for 100 days leading up to Small Business Saturday 2023!

For the last ten years, the 100 have not only received exposure on Small Business Saturday's social media channels and in the local and national press, but also joined the Small Business Saturday team in London at receptions in Downing Street, House of Lords and the Treasury Drum with the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Applications close on June 30, 2023. Successful applicants will be notified by email in August.

We are committed to making the application process as inclusive as possible. If you need assistance in completing the application please email us and we will do our upmost to help you.

Apply for Small Biz 100