Rural Fibre Broadband in UK: What can you expect?

Released On 6th Jun 2022

Rural communities have been long neglected by the larger broadband providers, and you may well be asking why is your rural broadband so slow? With low population density and more resources required to install cables, rural fibre-optic broadband has always been a lesser priority by some, if considered at all. 

Rural industries such as agricultural and farming sectors have suffered the most historically with weak, sometimes non-existent mobile signals as well as slow inadequate broadband speeds. Reliable, fast broadband is essential for these businesses who are constantly seeking ways to modernise farming in an increasingly tough and competitive climate. Activities such as attending online meetings with families, friends, suppliers and other businesses as well as managing online ordering, banking and upskilling are being hampered by the lack of connectivity and is a great deal of frustration for many farmers. 

The good news is that more fibre broadband cables are being laid to reach rural communities now than ever before.

Rural internet

If you live outside a town or city, then you may have experienced more than your fair share of challenges when it comes to your broadband connection. More often than not, your connection will be via the old copper phone cables, and your internet speeds will be far slower than you need for modern use: video calls, on-demand TV, movie streaming services, gaming, music, accounting and more.

There could be other options beyond your mainstream provider who can deliver exactly the service you need, and bring you into the 21st century in days rather than months. 

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