RSH announces new standards to improve social housing

RSH announces new standards to improve social housing

Released On 7th Mar 2024

The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) has proposed new consumer standards designed to protect tenants and improve the service they receive.

The changes are part of the Social Housing Regulation Act and will come into effect from 1 April 2024.

The regulations will apply to all social landlords, including councils and housing associations.

The new standards will mean that landlords will have to make sure that tenants are safe in their homes and listen to tenants’ complaints and respond promptly to put things right.

Landlords must be accountable to tenants and treat them with fairness and respect and collect and use data effectively across a range of areas, including repairs.

RSH will be holding landlords to account by inspecting larger landlords regularly to check they are meeting the outcomes in the standards and scrutinising data about tenant satisfaction, repairs and other relevant issues.

The regulator will also continue to push landlords to protect tenants and put things right when there are problems and continue to focus on the financial viability and governance of housing associations as part of its integrated regulation.

Fiona MacGregor, Chief Executive of RSH, said: "Social landlords must keep tenants safe in their homes, listen to what they say and put things right when needed. We are introducing new standards to drive improvements in social housing, and we will actively inspect landlords to check they are meeting them.

"We have spoken to thousands of tenants and other stakeholders who have helped shape our new approach, and we are extremely grateful for their input and involvement. It is vital that landlords make sure they are ready."

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