Retaining wall to be replaced on key county route

Retaining wall to be replaced on key county route

Released On 28th Jan 2022

An important scheme by Somerset County Council’s Highways Team to construct a new supporting wall next to the A30 at Haselbury Plucknett is planned to take place next month.

The old wall will be replaced by SCC’s contractor in the interest of motorists’ safety – it is deteriorating and is likely to become a serious road hazard if it is not given urgent attention.

The scheme is due to start on Monday 7 February and will include varying phases of traffic management, across an approximate period of 13 weeks. The first phase will see the closure of the A30 for approximately three weeks; this is to enable safe operation of heavy Piling Plant and cranes. The closure will be north of the A366/A30 junction at Haselbury Plucknett. Diversions directing road users towards the A303 from both Yeovil and Crewkerne will be signed. This will also be available at

Once this phase is complete, the second phase will see the A30 re-opened but using a single lane running under three-way traffic control. This will allow traffic from the A3066 North Street to safely enter the flow on the A30.

Councillor John Woodman, Somerset County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways said: “It is critical that the wall is sorted now so that the busy A30 remains safe for the travelling public.

“Unfortunately, this means that the road needs to be closed while work is carried out, but the team has tried to keep this to the minimum amount of time possible and to plan it, so it doesn’t affect the holiday season.”

Access to households and businesses in the area will be maintained and the team will work closely with those affected by the works. Deliveries and access will be accommodated by liaison with on-site operational staff. Every effort will be made to keep the duration of the works to a minimum. Pedestrian access will be maintained.

Stay up to date with this and other roadworks schemes by following @TravelSomerset on Twitter and liking the Travel Somerset page on Facebook.

Somerset County Council looks after 4,172 miles of road and in 2020/21 invested £23.1m to keep the county moving. Highways teams filled 19,282 potholes last year and carried out 556 highway maintenance schemes ranging from drainage works to carriageway and footway resurfacing.

Read the article here