Planning law and policy developments

Released On 12th Jun 2017

In recent times planning professionals have been faced with the challenge of keeping on top of new legislation and planning policy amendments introduced by the Government to deliver more housing. The election results may bring a pause and help is at hand in the form of two free seminars run by one of the South West’s most respected and successful law firms, Battens Solicitors.

Held on the 20th and 21st of June in Yeovil and Dorchester , and chaired by David Stephens, Head of Planning at Battens and a founding member of the Law Society's specialist Planning Panel, the seminars will address new legislation and important case law developments and share experience of recent planning appeals.

Experts Laila Jhaveri, associate solicitor in the planning division at Battens will talk about “permissions in principle”, the Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017 and the Supreme Court judgment in Hopkins Homes.

John Read, who specialises in property development at Chesters Commercial, will be looking at the 'direction of travel' for affordable housing and the increasingly important subject of viability assessments.

David Stephens, Head of Planning at Battens Solicitors said; "The last 12 months have produced some significant reforms to the planning system brought about by changes in Planning legislation and guidance. Practitioners at all stages of the planning process need to keep up-to-date, and these seminars will prove invaluable in helping them do just that."

The seminars will be held from 12-2.30pm on 20th June at Abbey Manor Business Centre, Yeovil, and on 21st June at the Game Keeper, Charminster. Booking is recommended. To secure your seat, email