Mobile Phone use while Driving

Mobile Phone use while Driving

Released On 9th Feb 2024

Phone use while driving

Research has shown that drivers who use a hand-held mobile phone are four times more likely to crash than those who do not, even evenhands-free phone use can reduce your attention and increase your reaction time. Using a mobile phone while driving can impair your ability to focus on the road, react to hazards, and control your vehicle.

Mobile phone use while driving is a serious and widespread problem that can endanger the lives of drivers and other road users, furthermore, mobile phone use while driving can have legal consequences, as it is against the law in the UK to use a hand-held phone or similar device while driving or riding a motorcycle.

Drivers who are caught can face a fixed penalty of £200 and 6 penalty points, or a higher fine and disqualification if the case goes to court, even when sat in a queue of traffic.

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And for a full report of the research,

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