Make UK comment on the resignation of the Prime Minister

Make UK comment on the resignation of the Prime Minister

Released On 7th Jul 2022

Commenting on the resignation of the Prime Minister, Stephen Phipson, Chief Executive of Make UK, said:

“Industry respects the role played by Boris Johnson in taking the country through the pandemic and the leading role he has played in the response of the West to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Moving forward the country faces considerable societal challenges in the short and long term to which manufacturing will play a pivotal role in addressing, especially in areas of the UK that need levelling up.

“It is now vital that whoever succeeds him works in partnership with industry to develop a long term economic vision which has an all-encompassing industrial strategy at its heart. This is essential if we are to boost growth, drive innovation and create the high quality, highly skilled jobs the economy urgently needs.”

Read the article here