Make UK comment on Energy Bills Relief Scheme

Make UK comment on Energy Bills Relief Scheme

Released On 21st Sep 2022

Commenting on Government's Energy Bill Relief Scheme, Stephen Phipson CEO of Make UK, the manufacturers' organisation said: 

"Industry will warmly welcome the timely announcement of an energy price cap for an initial 6 months for all business users. Government has delivered a scheme which is simple to understand, giving reassurance to the business sector and making immediately available the much-needed help companies have been calling for across the board at the time energy costs were spiralling out of control. 

"It does appear likely that prices will remain high for many months to come, and if so, industry will need support for a longer period to protect jobs and remain competitive, so the further announcement of a review on future support at the 3-month stage is reassuring. We will monitor the impact of the cap closely and will engage with the review mechanism later in the year to ensure that these priorities are recognised and understood.

"We recognise that all parties have moved at pace and a long way. However, Manufacturing businesses are under huge pressure already many are struggling to stay afloat. We hope that this support can be made tangible as quickly as possible and not applied retrospectively at the end of the quarter".

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