Local services secured as Somerset councils agree historic devolution deal

Released On 20th Mar 2024

Somerset Council has transferred assets and services to Bridgwater Town Council in a joint deal that will ensure much-valued facilities continue for residents.

The landmark move sees services from street-cleaning and road-sweeping to the management of parks and open spaces, transfer from Somerset Council into town hall hands.

Also transferring as part of the historic deal with Bridgwater Town Council are responsibilities for fly-tipping, footpath repairs, Market Rights, bedding plant provision and carnival clean-ups.

Somerset Council declared a financial emergency in November 2023. It was following that announcement, the Leader of Somerset Council, Cllr Bill Revans, wrote to all 279 Somerset parishes, highlighting a list of ‘at risk’ functions that could potentially be devolved to those city, towns, and parishes willing to take them on.

As a result of the correspondence, the local authority received dozens of expressions of interest, and conversations are positive and ongoing with many city, town, and parish councils across the county. This includes at Bridgwater, which is the first of many devolution deals anticipated.

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