Home Broadband Online Safety: Need To Know Guide

Home Broadband Online Safety: Need To Know Guide

Released On 24th Jul 2023

Staying safe when using home broadband is a big priority for families. In this article, we explore what you can do to protect yourself when using the internet.

What is online safety?

Online safety, also known as e-safety, covers things like using passwords, securing your mobile or laptop when not in use, understanding when and where to use Wi-Fi, keeping a copy of your personal data and protecting what people can find out about you online.

In this guide, we’ll talk you through:

  • The most common ways that scammers try to get your information
  • Dos and Don’ts when using email, Wi-Fi and social media
  • The 3Cs of safer internet: content, contact and conduct
  • Towards online safety: things you can do today

Online Safety and Personal Information

In today’s increasingly connected world, where even the youngest members of our families happily own a smartphone or tablet, staying safe online has never been so important.

We all like to feel that we could spot a scam a mile off, but the sad fact is, fraudsters are working in increasingly sophisticated ways, making it often very difficult to differentiate a scam from the real deal.

At Jurassic Fibre, we have experience of the types of scams that can take place online, and share some tips below to help you and your family have a positive internet experience.

First, let’s have a look at some of the most common ways that scammers try to get hold of your personal information.

Email Links to Scams

How do you know an email is spam? Sometimes, it’s pretty obvious: an unfamiliar greeting (“Dear” is a spam favourite), spelling mistakes, or ‘urgent’ requests that you update your personal information: these are all common red flags.

Known as ‘phishing’ emails, these emails try to coax the recipient (you) to part with personal information. It’s not just bank details that are valuable: everything from names and addresses to photos of what you look like can build up a complete data picture that the scammers need to perform illicit activity.

Received a strange-looking email? Here’s what to do if you suspect that the email isn’t what it seems:


  • Check email address and website links before clicking on them. Hover over the link and view the website address that the link is pointing to. Does the website fit with the purpose of the email, or go to a completely different or unrelated website?


  • Click on any attachments – these could contain malicious software, commonly referred to as “malware” which could infect your device.


  • Change your credentials immediately – update all the passwords for your online accounts. Including everything from your email and banking apps to shopping, social media and memberships.
  • Disconnect your device from the internet: this reduces any malware that you have downloaded from spreading to other devices on your network. Either unplug your internet or disconnect from the Wi-Fi network.


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