Highways team to carry out ‘one hit’ programme of summer works in Bruton

Highways team to carry out ‘one hit’ programme of summer works in Bruton

Released On 14th Jul 2023

Somerset Council’s highways team is carrying out a raft of improvements to roads in and around Bruton this summer, representing a significant investment in the network.

The aim is to minimise the length of disruption for residents, businesses and road users by scheduling the works in one continuous series. Work will be carried out on the schemes between 17 July and 27 August.

The first scheme commences on Monday 17 July. The first phase of these are pedestrian safety improvements to the Coombe Street/High Street junction, along with some adjustments to pavement dimensions. Coombe Street will be closed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until Friday 4 August so that this can be completed, while the High Street junction will be controlled by signals.

Once this phase has been completed, High Street will need to be closed from 9:30am to 5pm each day between Monday 7 August to Wednesday 16 August, before a 24/7 closure will run from the evening of the 16th to 7am on Saturday 19 August. This is so Wales and West Utilities can connect a new gas main in the High Street. This will ensure continuity of supply to the area and is an essential upgrade. They have collaborated with the Council to prevent High Street from being closed again at another time.

The small improvements scheme keeps the road open during evenings so that disruption is minimised for motorists during peak hours, and for local businesses, but as mentioned the gas work requires a 24-hour closure so that the work can be done as efficiently and safely as possible.

Following this work there is a resurfacing scheme on Patwell Street, which is a section of the B3081 in Bruton. This is due to start on Wednesday 23 August and will run until Sunday 27 August during the evenings. The road will be closed between 6pm and 11:30pm each evening and will be open at all other times. Another resurfacing scheme is planned for Station Road, but this will be carried out in October to ease disruption on the network during the summer.

Alongside these schemes there are some important surface dressing works planned in the area over the course of the summer holidays. Work on Park Wall and Dropping Lane is planned to start on Friday 21 July for one day only, but potential weather and programme issues could see it undertaken any time before Monday 3 August under a 24/7 closure.

Surface dressing is planned for Thursday 17 August on Brewham Road, and additionally on a section of the A359 Frome Road. Within this period, the roads will need to be closed for a single day each before Sunday 27 August so that the work can be delivered. This is to ensure the safety of the travelling public and the workforce.

Running several schemes simultaneously will mean there could be some short-term delays, but Somerset Council is working with Bruton Town Council to ensure local roads are fit for purpose in the long-term.

A spokesperson for Somerset Council said: “These schemes will all be of immense benefit to Bruton and its network in the long-term future, and this is a significant investment in the network.

“We understand there is likely to be some disruption this summer to ensure that the work gets done efficiently, but this ‘one hit’ approach ensures that the roads in Bruton will be in a far better place come the autumn, and it avoids spreading the work out over a longer period or making repeat visits.”

Pedestrian access for residents and businesses in the affected areas will be maintained throughout and diversions will be signed and in place. Diversion details are available on www.somerset.gov.uk/roads-travel-and-parking/roadworks-and-travel/.

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If you spot a problem on the road you can report it quickly and easily here www.somerset.gov.uk/roads-travel-and-parking/report-a-problem-on-the-road/.

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