Helping you and your business build a workforce for the future

Helping you and your business build a workforce for the future

Released On 27th Dec 2022

We'd like to introduce you to the Devon & Somerset Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP), a once-in-a-generation opportunity for our region to produce a skilled workforce better matched to the needs of business.

LSIPs are about putting employers at the heart of planning the future of skills and work, and that's why we want to tell you how you can get involved and make sure your voice is heard - without us taking up too much of your time.

Funded by the Department for Education, the new Devon & Somerset LSIP is being jointly led by Devon & Plymouth Chamber of Commerce and Somerset Chamber of Commerce.

Our Chambers have been hearing from businesses for years about how there are not enough of the right sort of skills, and we know that employers want a labour market with the skills they need. Now, we want to hear from you to understand why businesses struggle to recruit and which skills are in short supply.

If you are an employer in Devon or Somerset, it just takes a few moments to share your views with our LSIP team - simply click the button below and complete the short form on our website.

Have your say 

A skilled workforce is crucial if our region’s businesses are to survive and thrive in this increasingly uncertain economic environment. The new Devon and Somerset LSIP will address those skills gaps that hold our region back.

Our LSIP is not just simply a survey to produce another report about skills. It is an opportunity to work with universities, colleges and training providers and the Heart of the South West (HotSW) LEP and put employers’ voices at the heart of planning for future skills provision.

We hope to reach thousands of businesses in the coming months in an unprecedented engagement drive and build a future workforce that better suits the requirements of our counties’ businesses and organisations.

We’ll be hosting a series of events and engagement opportunities across the LEP region early in 2023 to engage in conversation with businesses and employers, listen to them and work with them to consider the ‘measurable actions’ we can take to support them with upskilling their current workforce and providing future workforces with the right types of skills to make them fit and ready for employment.

Details about these events will be advertised on our dedicated website where employers can also get in touch to find out more information about being involved and sign up for more information.

Visit the website 

Here's a brief overview of the Local Skills Improvement Plan, including how you can get involved...

What is the Devon and Somerset LSIP?

LSIP aims to work with employers and education providers in Devon and Somerset to make sure the skills system produces a workforce that matches their needs.

Who is leading & funding it?

LSIP sees Devon & Plymouth Chamber of Commerce and Somerset Chamber of Commerce come together to lead the project. The Plan is funded by the Department for Education.

What’s it aiming to achieve?

The aim is to put the views of employers at the heart of skills planning - so education institutions can be confident they are training people with skills that match what employers in the region need.

How will it do it?

The Chambers will work with universities, colleges and training providers to ensure the voice of employers is at the forefront of skills agendas. Events and engagement opportunities for early 2023 are being organised in both counties.

Want to get involved or find out more?

The LSIP website is a great tool for finding out more about the Plan, how to get involved and how to get in touch.

Visit the website