Have Your Say in the redesign of three Yeovil skate parks

Have Your Say in the redesign of three Yeovil skate parks

Released On 9th Feb 2022

South Somerset District Council (SSDC) is leading an exciting project to curate three totally individual Skate parks in Yeovil.

In collaboration with Maverick Designs and with the invaluable support of Yeovil Town Council, Brympton Parish Council and Yeovil Without Parish Council alongside other stakeholders, SSDC is leading the reimagining of three Skate parks in Yeovil.

Yew Tree, Milford and Oak Tree skate parks in Yeovil are around 20 years old and currently require extensive care and attention from SSDC staff to keep them maintained to a safe and usable level, predominately due to their metal structure and the upkeep that requires.

The proposed new style follows the lead of Maverick Designs’ other revolutionary Skate park projects, available to explore on their website: https://www.maverickskateparks.co.uk/map, and will be constructed using cement. This means that not only will the parks provide a smoother skating experience and be more appealing aesthetically, they will also be considerably easier to maintain, saving Council time and resources.

The most exciting part of this project is that Maverick Designs are asking for feedback through three questionnaires, each specific to the three proposed Skate park redevelopments. This means that residents can submit their feedback on any or all of the designs and potentially have direct influence on the overall outcome of the Skate parks which will become a part of their communities.

The questionnaires are live on Maverick Designs’ website here: www.maverickskateparks.co.uk/yeovil and will close on 17 February.

Councillor Mike Best, portfolio holder for health and wellbeing, said, “Skate parks should be safe places where skaters of all abilities feel able to develop their skills in an environment which is specially designed to suit their needs and to nurture their progress. Looking at the successes of Maverick Designs’ previous projects, we firmly believe that the proposed redevelopments will contribute all of these things to our local community and we welcome residents’ suggestions throughout this consultation stage”.

We are still in the consultation stage and subject to change, but it is anticipated that the parks will be complete by the end of 2022.

Read the article here