FREE Drop in events to help South Somerset residents with the cost of winter

FREE Drop in events to help South Somerset residents with the cost of winter

Released On 30th Jan 2023

FREE Drop in events to help South Somerset residents with the cost of winter

South Somerset District Council and The Department for Work and Pensions are holding a series of free drop in events for residents to come along and talk to experts from a wide range of organisations, who will be on hand to advise on a variety of issues faced during the cost-of-living crisis.

If you, or someone you know is worried about the cost of living and could benefit from talking to someone about managing energy bills, energy saving, water rates, council tax, money, benefits, and debt, or housing, employment, training, health, wellbeing, warm spaces and food support, we encourage you to come along for free, friendly and confidential help and advice. You can drop in at any of the events below between 10am and 1pm where you will be made very welcome.

Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing Cllr Mike Best said “We appreciate the cost-of-living crisis is a great cause for concern for many of our residents here in South Somerset. We encourage anyone who is struggling, to come along and talk about their worries and get the support they need at this challenging time”

Please spread the word. Please download this poster digitally or print it for parish notice boards. Thank you.

If you are unable to attend any of the events, you can also find a wealth of information and support on our dedicated Help With the Cost of the Living webpage here

There are also numerous warm spaces across the county. Check out the map for ones near you here

Read the article here