CQC future regulatory direction welcomed

CQC future regulatory direction welcomed

Released On 31st Oct 2024

The regulator has accepted the high-level recommendations of both reports, which have identified serious organisational failings, and is taking rapid action in response. CQC has committed to the following actions.

Firstly, it will align the organisation around sector expertise by appointing at least three Chief Inspectors to lead on regulation and improvement of hospitals, primary care and adult social care services. Consideration will also be given to whether a fourth Chief Inspector is needed to lead on regulation and improvement of mental health services. CQC will support staff to strengthen their own sector knowledge and expertise and will work with its new Chief Executive, Sir Julian Hartley, key stakeholders and colleagues to review whether any further changes are needed.

Secondly, the CQC will modify the current assessment framework to make it simpler and ensure it is relevant to each sector. This will enable the organisation to carry out and report on inspections more quickly. The five key questions (safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led) will be retained across all sectors, but  the 34 quality statements will be amended to ensure clarity and remove duplication. CQC will stop scoring individual evidence categories.

Thirdly, the regulator will ensure that it has the right systems and tools in place to support regulatory activity. CQC is working to stabilise and fix its regulatory platform and provider portal in the immediate term. While it does this, CQC is exploring options for delivering assessment activity away from the current systems, so that it can rapidly assess, rate and publish reports for the public. It will ensure these assessments are securely recorded.

Lastly, the CQC has reported that it will improve providers' registration experience. It is urgently reviewing what specific changes are needed to the provider portal to do this.