Covid-19 - free training and resources for South Somerset Business

Covid-19 - free training and resources for South Somerset Business

Released On 10th Feb 2022

Covid-19 advice for businesses 

This newsletter provides information about free local advice and training currently available to help you manage the impact of Covid-19 pandemic, recover and look to grow. 

View the Business Support section on our website


Half Day Mental Health Awareness 24th March 2022 10am till 2pm. Free Online 

We are delighted to be able to offer the Mental Health Awareness four hour course ONLINE free to those who are sole traders, micro-providers and SMEs in Somerset.

Places are fully funded for those working in

  • Construction 
  • Health and Social Care
  • Arts and Entertainment 
  • Visitor Economy / Hospitality
  • Agriculture

New Leaf is working with the Somerset Public Health Team to deliver workplace emotional wellbeing training to small and medium sized (SME) businesses across Somerset.

The focus is on supporting those who have been impacted by Covid through the virus itself, experience of lockdown or the impact of the recession. 

Everyone who completes the course gets:

  • A manual to refer to whenever you need it
  • A workbook including a helpful toolkit to support your own mental health
  • A certificate of attendance to say you are Mental Health Aware

Book a place here 

Full customs controls for businesses from 1 January 2022 

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is reminding businesses that customs controls came into effect on 1 January 2022 between the EU (expect the island of Ireland) and Great Britain.
HMRC is assisting traders and businesses to adapt to these changes, writing to traders and delivering webinars to explain the new customs rules that started in the New year, the action that they need to take, and the support on offer from HMRC. 
Current customs arrangements for goods moving from Ireland and Northern Ireland to Great Britain will be extended for as long as discussions between the UK and EU on the operation of the Northern Ireland Protocol are ongoing.

The changes that came into force on January 1 2022 include: 

  • Requirement for full customs import declarations for all goods at the time businesses or their courier/freight forwarder bring them into Great Britain, except if they are non-controlled goods imported from Ireland to Great Britain.
  • Customs controls at all ports and other border locations.
  • Requirements for a suppliers' declaration proving the origin of goods (either UK or EU) if they are using the zero tariffs agreed in the UK's trade deal with the EU. 
  • Commodity codes, which are used to classify goods for customs declarations, are changing.

If businesses move goods into or out of Northern Ireland, the free Trader Support Service can guide them through the process. Please find further guidance here 

Somerset Visitor Economy Innovation Grant Scheme - Apply Now! 

Somerset Council are seeking applications to their new grant scheme from businesses operation within the Somerset Visitor Economy. 

Grants of between £25,000 and £40,000 are available for Somerset SME businesses (Small and Medium Size Businesses of up to 250 employees), partnership of businesses, or community organisations wishing to introduce and implement a project that delivers genuinely new provision for visitors to the County. 

Projects will need to be completed in 2022, but also demonstrate sustainable impact into future years. 

Grants will be match funded, with the applicant expected to meet 35% of the project costs and the grant meeting the remaining 65% of the project costs. 
Find out about eligibility here 


Mobile Boost Scheme

Are you a business or household struggling with poor indoor mobile coverage? Connecting Devon and Somerset may be able to help. The Mobile Boost Scheme offers vouchers towards technology to upgrade indoor 4G coverage in "not-spot" areas. 

Business and households can apply for a voucher of up to £1200 towards the cost of one of a number of mobile signal booster options from a registered supplier. The value of the voucher will be dependent on the type of technology most suitable for the premises. Suppliers will be able to advise on the most appropriate option. Businesses and residents will be required to make a contribution to cover the cost of installation. 

Find out more information and apply here 


The Green Section 

Tour of Wyke Farms - Sustainable Energy Visitor Centre (11th March 2022, 1:30 - 4pm - In-person)

Wyke Farm would like to invite you on a free tour of Wyke Farms and their Sustainable Energy Visitor Centre on 11th March 2022. The tour will include a presentation from Richard Clothier CEO, as well as a 'carbon neutral' cheese grading and tasting session afterwards. 

Wyke Farm are reaching out to local businesses in South Somerset who may find this event of interest; the aim of the tour is to share knowledge of the sustainability and energy efficiency measures that Wyke Farm have implemented and to showcase how carbon reduction measures can be implemented within the agricultural, manufacturing and processing sectors. If spaces allow, we would also like to extend the invitation out to interested businesses beyond these sectors who are keen to find out more!

For further details, please see the invitation here. Spaces are limited and offed on a first-come first served basis - if you would like to book a place, please email. 

Local Eco-Friendly business? Join the SSDC Great Green Directory! 

If you are a South Somerset business with great eco credentials, you can list for FREE in our Great Green Directory where South Somerset residents can go to find local, trusted, sustainable organisations and community groups to help them make co and ethical choices when choosing products and services. 

The directory can be found here on our new South Somerset Website.

You can apply here via our updated form on Citizen Space.