Carers encouraged to get boosted this autumn

Carers encouraged to get boosted this autumn

Released On 12th Oct 2022

The Covid-19 Autumn Booster and Flu vaccine programmes are now well underway and Carers in South Somerset are being urged to take up the offer of immunisation, to protect themselves and those they care for.

This year anyone aged 16 and over who receives carer’s allowance, or who is the main carer of an elderly or disabled person who is at increased risk from flu or COVID-19, is eligible for both vaccines. This includes people who provide unpaid care, for example as a family member, close friend or neighbour.

It is hugely important that all those who are eligible, especially unpaid carers, take up the offer of both the COVID-19 booster and flu vaccines as soon as possible this season. The risk of COVID-19 and flu remains significant, and vaccines remain the best defence against them.

Carers who are known to GPs and who have a ‘carer’s flag’ on their primary care record will receive invitations to book both their COVID-19 booster and flu vaccines as soon as they are eligible. Carers can also self-declare and book their COVID-19 booster vaccination via the National Booking Service, by calling 119, or by finding a walk-in appointment through the online vaccination walk-in finder and should approach their GP or pharmacy for further information about how to access the flu vaccine. There is no requirement to provide proof that a person is a carer when attending vaccination appointments.

Carers who have newly taken on caring responsibilities may not yet be known to their GPs or Local Authority. It is hugely important that all carers are encouraged and supported to find out if they are eligible for a vaccination – especially those who are unpaid. If you are a carer or know of anyone who is, do consider approaching your GP to record your status on your primary care record.

Further information about the COVID-19 autumn booster is available online, and separate flu vaccination guidance for social care workers and carers has also been published.

Read the article here