Calls to extend Household Support Fund

Calls to extend Household Support Fund

Released On 20th Feb 2024

London local authorities' most senior finance officers have urged Jeremy Hunt to extend the Household Support Fund.

The fund is a payment by local councils to help low-income families with essentials such as clothing, energy bills and food. Without this government funding, boroughs will struggle to sustain provision for low-income Londoners.

There is only three weeks to go until the Spring Budget on 6 March, the Society of London Treasurers has written to the Chancellor to show how ending the funding could seriously impact low-income families across the capital.

Clive Palfreyman, president of the SLT writes that “boroughs under severe financial strain will be challenged to fill the gaps cancelling the HSF would create.”

Research from London Councils revealed that boroughs are using the fund for services such as giving emergency food support to over 200,000 families, paying for support and advice workers to help residents address longer-term issues like housing, and providing meals for children during the school holidays.

London Councils’ analysis also points to the significant finance pressures facing boroughs.

The cross-party group warns that next year’s local government finance settlement will leave boroughs with at least a £400m funding shortfall.

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