Business Support: CHOMP

Business Support: CHOMP

Released On 4th Jul 2023

CHOMP is an exciting new, free programme to support young people set-up, run and manage a business.

Calling all budding entrepreneurs who:

  • are 24 years or under
  • live in Somerset
  • commit to the programme

This programme is aimed primarily at young people who are currently not in full time education, employment or training to provide them with knowledge, skills and experience to enable them to move on to a more positive future.

How does the programme work?

The programme provides a combination of business training and hands-on experience of setting-up and working within a business. The overall objective is for the young entrepreneurs to launch the business independently. We offer:

  • Support setting-up & running a business
  • Initial business ideas & resources
  • Business start-up training
  • Personality profiling
  • Access to business mentors and business advisors
  • Support with business plan development & launch

Find out more here