Barclays Eagle Labs Female Founder Accelerator

Barclays Eagle Labs Female Founder Accelerator

Released On 7th Dec 2022

Barclays Eagle Labs and AccelerateHER are committed to bringing more women into entrepreneurship and levelling the playing field.

Barclays Eagle Labs Female Founder Accelerator in partnership with AccelerateHER are looking to support 40 innovate female-led technology businesses.

  • Applications open – 05 December 2022
  • Applications close – 06 January 2023

(Applicants will be informed of the progress of the application by 25th January 2023)

Programme begins - 03  February 2023

Masterclasses - are held online every Friday at 10:00 to 11.30

Female Founder Showcase – 24 March 2023

Apply now

The programme includes:

  • A series of 8 sessions delivered digitally over 8 weeks - an opening getting started session, 6 expert-led masterclasses and a closing showcase where founders will present their proposition to a wide audience; *potentially in person regionally with digital access by a wider audience. 
  • All participants will have access an allocated mentor on request throughout the programme.
  • Early-stage tech founders will access an additional tech build clinic led by an experienced tech founder or specialist; offering low code/no-code tech build solutions for founders to build their MVP and test/validate their market.
  • All founders will access online learning on understanding their accounts & raising equity prior to deeper discussion on the Masterclasses.
  • Access to the Barclays Eagle Labs and AccelerateHer Ecosystem.
  • Access to business and networking events.
  • The opportunity to showcase your business to potential clients and investors at a showcase at the end of the programme.

What are the masterclasses:

Week 1: Introductions & Getting Started

Week 2: Building Your Value Proposition

Week 3: Understanding & Validating Your Market*

Week 4: Getting on Top of Your Finances:**

  • Knowledge built via online training pre-session
  • Building Your Business/Financial Model

Week 5: Getting on Top of Your Finances:**

  • Funding Sources
  • Equity Finance for High-Growth Companies

Week 6: Meet the Angels:

  • Knowledge built via online content on building slide decks pre-session
  • Understand What Investors Want to See

Week 7: Pitching for Success

Week 8: Showcase Pitches
Apply now         Note - all masterclasses are held online

Applicant Criteria:

Your Business:

  • A UK-registered business
  • Uses digital technology to operate or deliver their value proposition.
  • Ready to scale i.e:
  • Either seed stage or beyond
  • Received investment
  • Launching your MVP

You/Your Team:

  • At least 1 founder (or C-suite) who is a female founder
  • You have proven expertise in your industry
  • You are available to attend all the masterclasses over the 8-week period

Application Process:

Stage 1: Written Application
Please check that you meet the criteria mentioned above. If you do, then complete the application form using the link below.

Stage 2: Selection Panel
Shortlisted applications from stage 1 will be scored and ranked based on the answers you provide in the application form

Stage 3: Final selection
Shortlisted applicants from the stage 2 review panel will be sent an invitation to join the accelerator. They will have a week to accept the invitation. If we do not receive the acceptance, we will invite the next applicant on the list to join the accelerator.

About AccelerateHER

A vibrant female founders network and partners who share the passion to accelerate the growth, visibility and backing of talented female business founders and leaders.

AccelerateHER is a vibrant network of female founders and partners who share the passion to accelerate the growth, visibility, and backing of talented female business founders and leaders. Now a 5,300-strong network of exceptional women, the supportive environment enables women to scale their businesses and raise investments.

Through the running of learning and networking events, business boot camps, accelerators, online education resources and pitching events, AccelerateHER aims to facilitate a substantial improvement in female angel investment activity in female-led companies across the UK. It also supports the valuable mentoring of female founders with sister organisation Investing Women Angels.
Apply now


What does the programme cover?
The programme includes masterclasses (link to masterclass heading) which cover areas of building your value proposition, understanding and validating your market, getting on top of your finances, meeting the angels and pitching for success, with an opportunity to showcase your business at the end of the programme. In addition, we offer participants the chance to meet with industry experts who will mentor them through one-on-one consultations.

What kind of mentorship will I receive from this programme?
Each company will have access to mentorship on request to AccelerateHER and Barclays Eagle Labs during and beyond the programme.

Do you have to be a woman to apply?
The programme is designed to bring more women into entrepreneurship. Our definition of “woman” is the broadest possible and includes any female-identifying, non-binary, and genderqueer founders.

Is this programme open to businesses from outside of the UK?
This programme is open for businesses only in the UK.

Are these classes delivered online or offline?
These programmes are to be delivered online, however, there will be some networking sessions that will be held in person for the cohort to network.

How it works
The Programme is delivered online via virtual workshops and educational content, as well as virtual training and mentoring sessions. Once you have been accepted onto the programme, we will share all the details of upcoming workshops and mentoring support available. 

What is the showcase?
The showcase culminates the 8-week Barclays Eagle Labs Female Founder Accelerator powered by AccelerateHER, with founders pitching to an audience of potential investors and industry professionals.

Does the programme support the cohort after the program is over?
Yes, we stay in contact with the cohort members and follow their journey, continuing to offer support & advice through both Barclays Eagle Labs and AccelerateHER Community.