Auditor Recommendation - Notice

Auditor Recommendation - Notice

Released On 7th Sep 2022

South Somerset District Council hereby gives notice that at its meeting to be held at 6.30pm in the Council Chamber at Brympton Way, Yeovil on 15 September 2022 it will be considering the following written recommendation from its local auditor with regard to the governance arrangements in respect of a settlement agreement that the Council made with an employee:

“When considering making settlement agreements with, or payments to employees, the Council should:

  • Comply with Financial Regulations, Standing Orders and the Constitution.
  • Ensure that appropriate consultation takes place with the statutory officers.
  • Ensure that approval for the agreement id obtained from the appropriate elected Members.


  • Maintain appropriate and sufficient evidence for the decision-making process.
  • Assure itself of the legality of the transaction, including seeking legal advice.
  • Clearly demonstrate value for money has been achieved.”

Read the article here