AmicusLaw Celebrates Double Victory At Modern Law Awards

AmicusLaw Celebrates Double Victory At Modern Law Awards

Released On 15th Mar 2024

We’re so excited to announce that AmicusLaw had a fantastic night at the Modern Law Awards, taking home not one, but two awards! This is a huge honour that reflects the amazing leadership, hard work, and dedication of our entire team.

A Round of Applause for Claire Lovett!

A special shout-out goes to our incredible Managing Partner, Claire Lovett, who won the “Managing Partner of the Year” award. Claire’s vision and dedication have been key to AmicusLaw’s recent growth. Her leadership creates a great work environment where everyone can succeed.

AmicusLaw: Growing While Keeping You First

We were also thrilled to win the “Business Growth Award.” This award shows our commitment to both providing excellent legal services and reaching more people who need them. We believe in offering fantastic legal representation while strategically expanding our firm to serve a wider range of clients.

These awards are a fantastic achievement for the entire AmicusLaw team. We couldn’t have done it without the hard work, dedication, and commitment of everyone here. A huge thank you to all of you!

At AmicusLaw, we’re passionate about providing the best legal service possible and creating a culture of growth and collaboration. These awards motivate us to keep exceeding expectations and be the best legal team we can be for our clients.

We’re incredibly proud of these wins and excited to keep moving forward. We’ll continue delivering exceptional legal services and building a thriving law firm that puts both client satisfaction and our team’s growth first.

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