Released On 12th Jul 2023

Thursday the 22nd of June marked an important date in the annual legal calendar. It was time for the Devon and Somerset Law Society Awards. A fantastic opportunity for the team to get dressed up and celebrate some of the most fantastic legal talent in the Southwest, and this year with special guests including Shaun Wallace (The Dark Destroyer from The Chase). 

Whilst this event is always hugely enjoyable and a fantastic opportunity for the team to get together, this year was different.  
This year we were shortlisted for no less than three awards and are delighted to say that we won, not one, but two of these prestigious awards.  

So, who were our winners and what were we shortlisted for?  


Firstly, we celebrate our Managing Partner Claire. And we can’t think of a more deserving recipient of this award. Claire took the role of managing partner in 2021, right in the midst of the pandemic, and since then Claire has played a pivotal role in transforming AmicusLaw into a thriving corporate entity, with her far sited vision, prodigious energy, and inspirational enthusiasm.  

There are many ways in which Claire has helped our business to flourish, to name just a few:  

  • Recruitment of specialist support staff.  
  • The modernisation and investment in IT systems.  
  • The acquisition of two new town centre offices.  
  • Creating an open plan and nurturing working environment for teams, doubling floor space and staff.  
  • Diversifying the legal service offering.  
  • Increasing the firm’s turnover by 60% in just two years. 

Transforming the firm’s culture is something Claire is truly passionate about. If the numbers don’t speak for themselves, the team’s absolute respect and admiration for Claire as a leader certainly does. Every team member is supported and encouraged through personal development, resulting in a happy workforce and a low staff turnover.  


When you hear how much Al-Amin has achieved in his career to date, you’d find it hard to believe he has only worked at AmicusLaw for one year. During this time, he has:  

  • Become the second highest biller in the firm (achieved this in an area of law that falls outside of his specialism). 
  • Gained the respect of the entire Amicus team.  
  • Developed fantastic relationships with clients who love working with him.  
  • Set up new systems and managing his files to maximise efficiency.  

We can’t wait to see what Al-Amin does next. If he can do all this in a year, who knows what is to come? 


We could not write this blog without also making a special mention of Zara. Whilst she wasn’t a winner on the night, she is still a winner in our eyes. Whilst Zara started her career at AmicusLaw on reception, the team quickly discovered her potential in a more client-facing role.  

In her role as a paralegal, she has delivered a service that embodies quality customer care: 

  • She constantly goes the extra mile for clients.  
  • Clients constantly feedback on her positivity and helpful nature.  
  • Working in private client, Zara works in a sympathetic and sensitive manner. 
  • Supporting clients in making tough decisions.  
  • Undertaking formal training in order to become a qualified STEP Practitioner. 
  • Has become the IT guru of the team always on hand to help others.  
  • Has a great sense of humour and has become an essential asset to the team.  

We are so proud that Zara was shortlisted and recognised for her fantastic achievements amongst such great competition.  

As well as saying thank you to our award winners that have done us proud, we would also like to say a huge thank you to our team and clients alike. To be award-winning and do great work we rely on the incredible people in our network. We can’t thank you enough for your ongoing support! 

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