A Day in the Life of a Trainee Solicitor

A Day in the Life of a Trainee Solicitor

Released On 22nd Sep 2022

Life as a trainee solicitor at Battens can be varied, interesting and rewarding.

Giles Taylor who is in his second year as a trainee at Battens, takes us through his working day and has some timely advice for the new intake.


Arrive at the office, fuel up on caffeine, check overnight emails, map out my day with priorities, catch up and check in with colleagues.


Touch base with my supervisor to discuss current work and priorities, any questions or concerns. Today I have a Heads of Terms for a client about to begin a restructuring.


Review an Asset Purchase Agreement for the sale of a local business. This takes some time as there are a few unusual provisions. I diarise a meeting with my supervisor later in the week so that we can advise the client in good time.

1.00pm – 2.00pm

A light lunch and some fresh air usually set me up well for the afternoon. If I’m working from home, I may try and squeeze in a brisk countryside walk!


As this is a split seat, I am lucky enough to have exposure to both commercial and employment matters and I get a pressing enquiry from one of our Battens HR clients needing immediate advice on the disciplinary process for an employee. My supervisor asks me to do some urgent research. This task takes immediate priority and I produce a report for the client.

3.15 pm

I jump on a Teams call with the same client and take detailed notes. It is great to see my research being put into action and moulded to the client’s particular set of circumstances.


Attendance notes of meeting done, I return to my to-do list and the restructuring from earlier in the day: I couple this research with a detailed draft email to the client requesting further clarification before we can take the matter to the next stage.


A new enquiry comes in from a gentleman looking for advice on a Settlement Agreement offer that he has received from his employer. I take full details and look to arrange a meeting as quickly as possible with one of the Solicitors in the team.


I write a “to do” list for tomorrow and check that I have recorded all emails, telephone calls and work completed on documents.


Trainee life at Battens means that I can have a great work life balance. After work (which could be anytime from 5.15pm to 6pm on most days), I might head for a quick shandy with some colleagues or if I’m feeling healthy (and weather permitting) I might go for a run.

My three top tips for trainees:

  1. Ask questions - there is no such thing as a stupid question. It is how we all learn; avoid mistakes and it’ll make you a more efficient trainee.
  2. Say yes (within reason!) get involved with as many different fee earners as possible as it is a brilliant way to learn. I have been involved with everything from construction disputes to composer agreements, to determining the ownership of a WWII bunker.
  3. Enjoy the process – enjoy every day: it’s an opportunity to learn and experience things on your journey to qualification.

Read the article here