Somerset Green Business Grants & Go Green Scheme

Somerset Green Business Grants & Go Green Scheme

Released On 10th Oct 2023

Somerset Green Business Grants are now available to eligible Somerset SMEs (with Sustainability Plans in place) to support implementation of measures to reduce energy consumption and costs as well as carbon emissions.

Grants between £2,500 and £25,000 are available and can be capital or revenue. The grant can fund up to 50% of total eligible project costs, with the remainder funded by the applicant.

The fund is now open with a closing date of 31st October 2023. Further info is available on Funding and grants for business (

Go Green Scheme: Empowering Somerset businesses to go greener

This scheme launches on 1st October 2023 providing FREE energy efficiency business support services to eligible Somerset SMEs to understand their energy consumption and how it can be reduced.

Support includes free energy audits and Sustainability Plans. For further information and to register interest go to Go Green Scheme

Come along to our energy efficiency workshop on 18th October to speak to us about the Go Green Scheme, book here.

Autumn Workshop Series: ‘Greening Your Business

This autumn we are hosting a series of workshops in partnership with Somerset Chamber and FSB. The topics cover Green Finance, B Corp, Energy Efficiency, Greening Your Supply Chain, Business Sustainability and Circular Economy. These in-person workshops are being led by Somerset businesses and are a good opportunity for networking!

 • Energy Efficiency and Green Business Grants – Balanced Energy Ltd. Wednesday 18 October, 10am to midday at County Hall, Taunton

• Greening your supply chain – Suez. Week beginning 23 October. Details to be confirmed.

Circular Economy – Philippa Roberts, Binit. Wednesday 1 November, 10am to midday at Yeovil Innovation Centre

B Corp Journey – Lendology. Tuesday 7 November, 10am to midday at Deane House, Taunton

Green Finance – South West Investment Group. Tuesday 14 November, 10am to midday at Wyndham Room, County Hall, Taunton

Greening your business sustainably – Portt & Co. Wednesday 22 November, 10am to midday at Collar Factory, Taunton

Businesses interested in any of the above can contact the team at