Make It Zero

Make It Zero

Released On 12th Oct 2023

(image courtesy of SWMAS)

Make It Net Zero 

Addressing the global climate crisis is a growing priority, and one which will continue to gain momentum over the coming years.
The clock is ticking towards 2050, and the UK Government’s deadline to reduce UK greenhouse gas emissions to 'net zero' is the time to act to ensure that this target can be achieved! 

What Does Net Zero Actually Mean?

"Net zero" represents the equilibrium between greenhouse gas emissions generated and those eliminated from the atmosphere. Attaining net-zero emissions implies that a nation, organization, or individual is preventing an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere compared to what they are eliminating or balancing out. This concept is recognized as a crucial component of efforts to combat climate change.

The UK government's dedication to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 aligns with the global goals of the Paris Agreement, which seeks to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. To meet this objective, substantial reductions in emissions from sectors like energy, transportation, and industry are essential. Additionally, any remaining emissions must be compensated for through approaches such as reforestation or the implementation of carbon capture and storage technologies.

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