First Friday Bulletin

First Friday Bulletin

Released On 16th May 2023

Company Cars - BIK

This year saw the Benefit in Kind (BIK) on company cars change and now will be calculated on CO2 emissions.

Section 6 of Finance Act 2019 introduced a new method to calculate the cash equivalent of the use of a car. These changes took effect in 2023 to include subsequent years, and the new rules will apply to all cars, including electric vehicles,whether the car is acquired in 2023 or was made available to employees in earlier years of assessment.

From 2023 inwards, the BIK cash equivalent on the use of an employer provider car will be determined on both the business mileage undertaken and the vehicle’sCO2 emissions.

Please click on the picture for more information.

Driving tired as bad as Drink Driving?

In the driving and riding world, fatigue is a silent killer that affects everyone around the world. Understanding fatigue and how to manage it to minimize risk, is of great importance for fleet operators, however, while it is one thing to recognise that fatigue is a critical safety issue, it is quite another to set up a successful, fatigue risk management programme. Drivers and riders, where driving for work is part of there day, are particularly at risk from tiredness because they typically spend longer hours at the wheel, with four in ten tiredness-related crashes involving someone driving a vehicle for work purposes.

Many factors can contribute to driver tiredness and increase the risk of being involved in a fatigue related crash, however to manage drowsy driving, you first need to recognise it, then how to manage it.

Click on the picture to find out more 

First Aid Courses Available for May

Just become available for May. This one-day course will help you meet your First Aid requirements.

Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand people suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in Europe each year.Quick action is vital to help save a life, as the chances of survival after a cardiac arrest decreases by 10% every minute. Emergency first aid is about ensuring casualties receive the help they need in the vital minutes before the emergency services arrive and our training courses ensure that first-aiders are equipped with the knowledge they need to provide this type of help. Emergency First Aid at Work is a one day HSE approved qualification designed to meet you business requirements. The course covers the basic life saving skills including resuscitation (CPR) and use of defibrillator, bleeding, unconscious casualty, and lots more besided.

The course is on 18th May at Martock Recreation Ground Pavilion You’ll receive a certificate, the qualification will be valid for 3 years,and you’ll have the skills and confidence to carry out First Aid solutions to keep every one safe.

Click on the Green Cross for more information.